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Richille-Anne Brown

About The Author

- Richille-Anne Brown -
Gift of rainbows plants

She currently lives in Kingston, Jamaica with her beautiful Cockapoo Codie. As for her future, her heart is open to wherever the Lord may take her next.

Richille-Anne Brown is a blossoming Paediatrician who devotes her time to the public and private service of the children of Jamaica. Becoming a paediatrician was her lifelong dream and serving children her passion.


Richille-Anne is committed to using all her God given gifts and talents for the service of the Lord and is pleased to write stories and songs which enable children and adults alike to grow in their relationship with the Lord. She enjoys serving in several ministries at her church but particularly the music ministry. 


Richille-Anne holds degrees in Biochemistry and Zoology (University of the West Indies), Fresh Water and Marine Ecology and Environmental Sciences (University of Glasgow) and Medicine and Surgery with Postgraduate studies in Paediatric Medicine (University of the West Indies).




Our cute characters
Our cute characters

The idea budded from the very first story published by our author – The Gift of Rainbows 🌈
Within the tiny raindrop is the ability to both absorb light from the sun and reflect it! That magnificent property is what gives us the marvelous rainbows everyone can see from miles away on a rainy day. This principle can also be applied to our own relationships with God and His Son Jesus Christ. When God shines His truth into our lives through His Word, we can reflect His Character, mercy, and grace to the world around us. 

Our children are these ‘little prisms’ of grace and truth once we fill them with the right source of Light. Little Prism Books aims to provide fun and exciting resources that will equip our kids to do just that, becoming beacons of God's marvelous light.




- Rachel Moss -

Rachel Moss is an Illustrator in love with the bright colors and vibrant energy of the Caribbean. She was born in Jamaica and studied animation in England at the University for the Creative Arts.

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